What can I build with VisionLab?
VisionLab allows rapid development of fully featured computer vision applications for the security industry, scientific and other applications. It also includes Hough Lines, edge detection, contour detection, Haar face and object detection, robust features, and target detecting/tracking components.
Applications include:
- Motion detection – Create security systems with motion detection, or activate the video recording when motion is detected.
- Detect objects – Detect objects with different shapes in the video.
- Face Detect and recognition – Detect and/or recognize faces in images or video.
- Fingerprint compare – Process and compare fingerprint in image or video.
- Find and Track Targets – Find and track objects in the video.
Capture, detect and track targets:
- Video For Windows ( VFW )
- Audio Compression Manager ( ACM )
- WaveAPI
- DirectShow
- Intel MMX
- Intel Performance Primitives ( IPP )
Audio Filters
ALAudioToReal | Converts Wave Audio Data Buffers into Real Data Buffers | |
ALGenericFilter | User defined filter for Audio data |
Audio generators
ALGenericGen | User defined generator for Audio data |
Audio output components
ALAudioOut | Sends audio data to an audio output device |
Color transformations
VLGrayScale | Converts the video to gray scale |
Computer Vision
VLMotionDetect | Motion detection component | |
VLCanny | Canny edge detection | |
VLHoughLines | Finds lines in the image using Hough transform | |
VLFindContours | Finds contours in binary image | |
VLAdaptiveThreshold | Adaptive threshold edge detection | |
VLProbableLines | Finds probable line segments in the image using Hough transform | |
VLHoughCircles | Finds circles in the image using Hough transform | |
VLFindTargets | Finds possible tracking targets in the image | |
VLTrackTargets | Tracks moving targets on the image | |
VLExtractRobustFeatures | Extracts robust features using SURF algorithm | |
VLHaarDetectObjects | Detects objects by using Haar like features | |
VLConnectedComponents | Labels connected components in the image | |
VLConvexHulls | Finds the convex hulls for polygons or contours. | |
VLMinEnclosingCircles | Finds the smallest enclosing circles for polygons or contours. | |
VLMinAreaRectangles | Finds the smallest area rectangles for polygons or contours. | |
VLFitLines | Fits lines to polygons or contours. | |
VLFitEllipses | Fits ellipses to polygons or contours. | |
VLChamferMatchingContour | Finds contours in the image using Chamfer Contour Matching. | |
VLHOGDetectObjects | Detects objects by using Histogram Oriented Gradients. | |
VLHOGCompute | Computes non optimized Histogram Oriented Gradients. | |
VLBackgroundSubtractor | Subtracts the background using statistical background model. |
ALAudioToReal | Converts Wave Audio Data Buffers into Real Data Buffers | |
SLPair | Pairs multiple data buffers together |
Custom Filters
SLGenericReal | User defined filter for Real data | |
SLGenericFilter | User defined filter for Binary data | |
SLGenericRealMatrix | User defined generator for Real matrix data |
DirectShow Audio output components
ALDSAudioOut | Sends audio data to an audio output device |
DirectShow Video output components
VLDSImageDisplay | Video display component using DirectShow | |
VLDSVideoLogger | Records Video files using DirectShow |
DirectShow Video source components
VLDSCapture | Captures Video from device using DirectShow | |
VLDSVideoPlayer | Plays Video files using DirectShow |
DirectShow support components
VLDSVideoPreviewDock | Docking location for video preview |
MLDSGraphView | DirectShow graph display |
Generic Filters
SLGenericReal | User defined filter for Real data | |
SLGenericFilter | User defined filter for Binary data | |
SLGenericRealMatrix | User defined generator for Real matrix data |
Generic Generators
SLGenericGen | User defined generator for Binary data | |
SLGenericRealGen | User defined generator for Real data |
Geometric transformations
VLDraw | Applies(draws) graphical layers over the video frames | |
VLSnapshot | Takes a snapshot frame |
Signal Filters
SLGenericReal | User defined filter for Real data | |
SLGenericFilter | User defined filter for Binary data | |
SLGenericRealMatrix | User defined generator for Real matrix data |
Signal Generators
SLGenericGen | User defined generator for Binary data | |
SLGenericRealGen | User defined generator for Real data |
Timing components
TLWatchDogTimer | Implements a Watch Dog Timer. | |
TLMainThredEvent | Allows other threads to generate main thread notifications. | |
TLClockGen | Provides clock for other components. | |
TLThreadEvent | Use this component to execute code in a separated thread | |
TLStopWatch | Use this component to implement a Stop Watch | |
TLFrequencyMeter | Use this component to implement a Frequency meter | |
TLCounter | Use this component to implement a Counter |
Video filters
VLMorphFilter | Erodes or deludes the video | |
VLWienerFilter | Performs Wiener filter over the video | |
VLGenericFilter | User defined filter for Video data |
Video output components
VLImageDisplay | Video display component | |
VLAVILogger | Records AVI Video files |
Video source components
VLImageGen | Generates video from image | |
VLAxisCapture | Captures Video from Axis IP Camera using the Axis media control | |
VLCapture | Captures Video from device | |
VLAVIPlayer | Plays AVI Video files | |
VLGenericGen | User defined generator for Video data | |
VLASFPlayer | Plays ASF and WMV Video Files | |
VLIPCamera | Use this component to capture video data from a generic IP Camera |
Video Layers
VLDrawShapeLayer | Layer drawing simple shapes | |
VLDrawTextLayer | Layer drawing text labels | |
VLDrawPictureLayer | Layer drawing image | |
VLDrawMarkersLayer | Layer drawing markers | |
VLDrawXYFloatLayer | Layer drawing X,Y points | |
VLImageDisplayLayer | Layer drawing video | |
VLDrawMotionsLayer | Layer drawing motion grid | |
VLDrawLinesLayer | Layer drawing detected lines | |
VLDrawContoursLayer | Layer drawing detected contours | |
VLDrawLineSegmentsLayer | Layer drawing detected line segments | |
VLDrawCirclesLayer | Layer drawing detected circles | |
VLDrawTrackTargetLayer | Layer drawing tracked targets | |
VLDrawRobustFeaturesLayer | Layer drawing detected robust features | |
VLDrawRectanglesLayer | Layer drawing detected rectangles. | |
VLDrawEllipsesLayer | Layer drawing detected ellipses. | |
VLDrawPolygonsLayer | Layer drawing detected polygons. | |
VLChamferMatchedContoursLayer | Layer drawing matched contours. | |
VLDrawDetectedObjectsLayer | Layer drawing detected objects. |
Matrix Layers
VLExternalImageDisplayMatrixLayer | Matrix element drawing video |
Control Element
VLExternalImageDisplayElement | Component element drawing video |
VisionLab: What’s New
New in Version (released on 2016-05-03)
- Added RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin support
- Removed the old .NET 2.0 Assemblies
- New mirrored border processing Multi-core, and OpenCL GPU Morph filter, and Wiener Filter, implementation
- New Multi-core, and OpenCL GPU Adaptive Threshold filter implementation
- Added Visual Live Binding property editors
- Added Reset to Default property editors
- Added Enum property editors
- Added Class events property editors
- Added Multi-Event property editors
- Added Make/Split Structure components
- Improved RTSP/IPCamera
- Introduced MAC support for some of the components when compiling with source code
New in Version (released on 2015-10-28)
- Added 10 Seattle support
- Added support for VS2015
- Added TOWBoolToIntFormatConverter
- Improved threading support
- Improved OpenWire Editor
- Clock pins changed to MiltiSink
- Improved Design Time Editors
- Improved JSON support
- Improved collections
- Added more Live Binding types
- Added support for hosting OpenWire Studio projects
- Added serialization support in the buffers
- Improved support for IP Cameras
- Added TrigerLevel for the Motion Detector
New in Version (released on 2015-04-17)
- Added TTLGenericFilter
- Added more visual live binding types
- Significantly improved property Delphi editors
- Improved HOG support
- Added option to access Aplha Pixels in image buffer
- Timestamps interfaced
- IVLDateTime interfaced
- IVLTimeCode interfaced
- Added option to access Aplha Pixels in image buffer
- Improved IP Camera support
New in Version (released on 2014-12-20)
- Improved .NET support
- Enchanced OpenWire Editor
- Added more visual live bindings
- Improved TVLDSVideoModes and TALDSAudioModes support for the TVLDSCapture
( Click to view Larger images. )
[table id=15 /]
Do I have to purchase VisionLab?
Is VisionLab multithreading? Will it stop streaming while I move the window with the mouse?
Does VisionLab include any video capture components?
Does VisionLab support DirectShow?
What version of DirectShow I need to run VisionLab?
I want to use VisionLab. Do I have to install DirectShow?
Firemonkey and VCL Installer: VisionLab VCL and FireMonkey 32 & 64 bit support for 10.2 Tokyo and 10.3 Rio
Updated on 2018-12-21, downloaded 114 times.
Visual C++ Installer: VisionLab for Visual C++ MFC
Updated on 2018-11-12, downloaded 5017 times.
.NET Installer: VisionLab for Microsoft .NET 4.0 (4.5 and 4.6 compatible)
Updated on 2018-11-08, downloaded 8739 times.
Legacy Firemonkey and VCL Installer: VisionLab VCL and FireMonkey 32 & 64 bit support for XE8 to 10.1 Berlin
Updated on 2016-06-06, downloaded 1642 times.
Legacy Firemonkey and VCL Installer: VisionLab VCL and FireMonkey 32 & 64 bit support for XE7 to 10 Seattle
Updated on 2015-10-28, downloaded 972 times.
Legacy Firemonkey and VCL Installer: VisionLab VCL and FireMonkey 32 & 64 bit support for XE6 to XE8
Updated on 2015-06-11, downloaded 873 times.
Legacy Firemonkey and VCL Installer: VisionLab 6.0.0. VCL and FireMonkey (Windows only) 32 and 64 bit support for XE2 to XE4
Updated on 2014-11-20, downloaded 523 times.
Legacy Firemonkey and VCL Installer: VisionLab VCL and FireMonkey 32 & 64 bit support for XE4 to XE7
Updated on 2014-11-18, downloaded 799 times.
Legacy Firemonkey and VCL Installer: VisionLab VCL and FireMonkey 32 & 64 bit support for XE3 to XE6
Updated on 2014-04-22, downloaded 824 times.
Legacy Firemonkey and VCL Installer: VisionLab 5.0.3 VCL and FireMonkey for XE2 Update4 Hotfix1
Updated on 2012-10-13, downloaded 922 times.
Legacy Firemonkey and VCL Installer: Legacy VisionLab 5.0.3 VCL and FireMonkey (Windows only) 32 and 64 bit support for 2010 to XE
Updated on 2012-10-11, downloaded 2799 times.
Legacy Firemonkey and VCL Installer: VisionLab 5.0.1 for Delphi/C++ Builder 5 to 2009
Updated on 2011-10-18, downloaded 21930 times.
These demos are executable after downloading. Also see: Demo source code downloads
Motion Detection demo Demonstrates application of the motion detection components Video Layers demo Demonstrates the use of TVLDraw and draw layers to automatically superimpose detected object drawings on video Hough Circles demo Demonstrates finding circles within video using a Hough Transform Hough Lines demo Demonstrates finding lines within video using a Hough Transform Canny demo Applys the Canny edge detection algorithm to video Extract Robust Features demo Demonstrates extracting robust features, e.g., to eliminate noise for custom image analysis Face Detection demo Demonstrates detecting faces in video Find Countours demo Finds countours and bounding rectangles in playing video Targets Track demo Demonstrates the use of the TVLTrackTargets component Detect People in Image Demonstrates detecting people in images.Mitov License
Also, we offer custom licensing and vertical development of the VisionLab. Please direct any questions about custom licensing to Boian Mitov ( mitov@mitov.com ).