About VideoLab

What can I build with VideoLab?


With VideoLab you can do just about anything imaginable: synthesize, capture, process, and analyze; mix, listen, visualize and more.


Applications include:

  • Video Capture – Record videos from camcorder, Web Cam or IP Camera.
  • DVD Player – Plays DVDs.
  • Screen Capture – Record videos from the screen.
  • Combine – Mix, merge, split and transition videos.
  • Convert – converts video from one format to another.
  • Filtering – perform batch filtering on videos.
  • Jukeboxes, and Play Lists – play sequences with cool transition effects.
  • Transparency – mix videos by using transparent colors.
  • Broadcast – compress and broadcast the video.
  • Playback – create playback applications.
  • Video editing – create video editing and analysis applications.
  • Video streams – watch video from video streaming servers.
Capture and record video and audio (see .NET or VCL tutorial):

Play recorded video (see .NET or VCL tutorial):

Capture, process and record video and audio:

Mix different video sources, record and display the result:

Signals can be analyzed in real time of played later and post-processed:

The latest version of VideoLab supports the old fashioned Windows API( Video For Windows ( VFW ), VCM, WaveAPI, ACM), the newer DirectShow, DMO, the free FreeFrame and even allows if needed any mixture of them. The developer can choose the technology and can switch from one to the other at any moment: VideoLab hides the complexity of the chosen technology and makes the components look almost identical from the developer’s perspective.
Here is the full list of the supported technologies:
Win32 API:
  • Video For Windows ( VFW )
  • Video Compression Manager ( VCM )
  • Audio Compression Manager ( ACM )
  • WaveAPI
  • DirectShow
  • Direct Media Objects ( DMO )
  • Intel MMX
  • Intel Performance Primitives ( IPP )
Free Third Party Libraries:
  • FreeFrame and FreeFrameGL
  • VirtualDub
The library includes AVI Player, AVI Logger with compression capabilities, DirectShow Video Player and Video Logger, Noise generators, Test Image generator, Video Display, and DirectShow video Render, Histogram, a large set of filters, geometric transformation components, Mixers, Effects, a Win32 API and DirectShow Video Capture component. Some additional components from the SignalLab and PlotLab have been added to allow processing Histogram Data, and components from AudioLab are included to allow basic audio processing and display.
Our component libraries come in 3 versions a VCL – Firemonkey version (for Delphi / C++ Builder / RAD Studio XE4 to 10.1 Berlin), an MFC compatible Visual C++ version, and a .NET 2.0 and 4.0 (4.5 and 4.6 compatible) supporting Visual Studio 2005 to 2015.
The RAD Studio version is a set of native VCL and Firemonkey components of which all include now the powerful Mitov Runtime.
The Visual C++ version is a set of native Visual C++ classes (components).
The NET 2.0 and 4.0 (4.5 and 4.6 compatible) version is a set of managed .NET components.  The .NET version has the same performance as the native versions, and supports all the Microsoft .NET languages including Visual Basic, C#, J#, F# and C++/CLI.
Due to the unique architecture of the OpenWire platform, the components are implemented the same way in Managed .NET and native Windows (32 and 64 bit) environments. The code to control a component from VB.NET, C++/CLI, C#, and J#, Visual C++ MFC, Delphi, and C++ Builder is almost identical. This allows the developers to migrate and share code between the different environments thus significantly improving the productivity.
OpenWire Libraries: for fast, complex data stream processing with almost zero lines of code!

Audio Filters

ALAudioToReal ALAudioToReal Converts Wave Audio Data Buffers into Real Data Buffers
ALGenericFilter ALGenericFilter User defined filter for Audio data
VLAudioSynchronize VLAudioSynchronize Use this component to synchronize the video with the time from the audio stream

Audio generators

ALGenericGen ALGenericGen User defined generator for Audio data

Audio output components

ALAudioOut ALAudioOut Sends audio data to an audio output device

Color transformations

VLGrayScale VLGrayScale Converts the video to gray scale
VLColorTwist VLColorTwist Twists the colors of the image
VLGammaFilter VLGammaFilter Gamma-corrects the image
VLImageAdjust VLImageAdjust
Adjusts the Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Hue, and Lightness of the image
VLThreshold VLThreshold Sets the pixels above/bellow a threshold to a color
VLHistogramEqualize VLHistogramEqualize Equalizes the image histogram
VLColorLookup VLColorLookup Changes the pixel colors based on a lookup table


ALAudioToReal ALAudioToReal Converts Wave Audio Data Buffers into Real Data Buffers
SLChangeRange SLChangeRange Changes the output range of the signal
SLDetectLevels SLDetectLevels Detects levels in the input signal
SLPair SLPair Pairs multiple data buffers together

Custom Filters

SLGenericRealValue SLGenericRealValue User defined filter for Real values
SLGenericReal SLGenericReal User defined filter for Real data
SLGenericFilter SLGenericFilter User defined filter for Binary data
SLGenericRealMatrix SLGenericRealMatrix User defined generator for Real matrix data

DirectShow Audio output components

ALDSAudioOut ALDSAudioOut Sends audio data to an audio output device

DirectShow Video Compression

VLDSVideoCompressor VLDSVideoCompressor Compresses the video using DirectShow
VLDSVideoDecompressor VLDSVideoDecompressor Decompresses compressed video using DirectShow

DirectShow Video Filters

VLDMOEffect VLDMOEffect Performs a DMO effect over the video
VLDSVideoFilter VLDSVideoFilter Passes video trough a DirectShow filter

DirectShow Video output components

VLDSImageDisplay VLDSImageDisplay Video display component using DirectShow
VLDSVideoLogger VLDSVideoLogger Records Video files using DirectShow
VLDSVideoOut VLDSVideoOut Sends video to an output device
VLASFLogger VLASFLogger Records ASF and WMV Video Files
VLASFBroadcast VLASFBroadcast Broadcasts ASF and WMV Video over Internet using TCP/IP socket and/or publishing point(s)
VLDSToSinkFilter VLDSToSinkFilter Sends video to a DirectShow filter

DirectShow Video source components

VLDSCapture VLDSCapture Captures Video from device using DirectShow
VLDSVideoPlayer VLDSVideoPlayer Plays Video files using DirectShow
VLDSFromSourceFilter VLDSFromSourceFilter Captures video from DirectShow filter

DirectShow support components

VLDSVideoPreviewDock VLDSVideoPreviewDock Docking location for video preview


MLDSGraphView MLDSGraphView DirectShow graph display


VLFire VLFire Applies fire effect over the frames, or generates frames with fire
VLRipple VLRipple Applies water ripple effect over the frames, or generates frames with water ripple
VLAlphaTrail VLAlphaTrail Applies alpha trail effect over the video.

Generic Filters

SLGenericReal SLGenericReal User defined filter for Real data
SLGenericFilter SLGenericFilter User defined filter for Binary data
SLGenericRealMatrix SLGenericRealMatrix User defined generator for Real matrix data
TLGenericTextFilter TLGenericTextFilter User defined filter for Text data

Generic Generators

SLGenericGen SLGenericGen User defined generator for Binary data
SLGenericRealGen SLGenericRealGen User defined generator for Real data

Geometric transformations

VLResize VLResize Resizes the image
VLCrop VLCrop Crops the video
VLMirror VLMirror Mirrors the image
VLRotate VLRotate Rotates the image
VLShear VLShear Shears the image
VLWarp VLWarp Warps the image
VLFishEye VLFishEye Applies FishEye effect over the image
VLSwirl VLSwirl Applies FishEye effect over the image
VLCylinder VLCylinder Applies Cylinder effect over the image

Noise generators

VLUniformNoise VLUniformNoise Adds Uniform Random noise to the image
VLGaussNoise VLGaussNoise Adds Gaussian distribution oise to the image


VLDraw VLDraw Applies(draws) graphical layers over the video frames
VLSnapshot VLSnapshot Takes a snapshot frame
VLHistogram VLHistogram Computes intensity histogram of image
VLCombine VLCombine Combines two videos
VLFrameChange VLFrameChange Combines two sequential frames
VLColorSplit VLColorSplit Splits the image into color components
VLApplyMask VLApplyMask Applies a picture mask over the image
VLTransparentColor VLTransparentColor Merges two videos with transparent(see trough) color in one of them
VLQueuedSwitch VLQueuedSwitch Multi-channel queued video and audio switch
VLDelay VLDelay Delays the video by a number of frames
VLChangeFormat VLChangeFormat Changes the video format
VLSwitch VLSwitch Enables or disables the video to go trough
VLColorsToReal VLColorsToReal Splits the color components of a frame in real buffers
VLChangeRate VLChangeRate Changes the video frame rate
VLRealToFrame VLRealToFrame Constructs frame from color space real buffers
VLColorMerge VLColorMerge Merges color components (RGB, YUV etc.) into a frame
VLHueVector VLHueVector Computes the Hue Vector of image
VLApplyAlpha VLApplyAlpha Applies an Alpha channel over the image
VLVideoMixer VLVideoMixer Mixes multiple video streams
VLFrameQueue VLFrameQueue Video frames queue component

Plug In filters

VLFreeFrame VLFreeFrame Applies a FreeFrame filter or effect
VLVirtualDub VLVirtualDub Applies a VirtualDub filter or effect

Signal Filters

SLGenericRealValue SLGenericRealValue User defined filter for Real values
SLGenericReal SLGenericReal User defined filter for Real data
SLGenericFilter SLGenericFilter User defined filter for Binary data
SLGenericRealMatrix SLGenericRealMatrix User defined generator for Real matrix data

Signal Generators

SLGenericRealValueGen SLGenericRealValueGen User defined generator for Real values
SLGenericGen SLGenericGen User defined generator for Binary data
SLGenericRealGen SLGenericRealGen User defined generator for Real data

Timing components

TLWatchDogTimer TLWatchDogTimer Implements a Watch Dog Timer.
TLMainThredEvent TLMainThredEvent Allows other threads to generate main thread notifications.
TLClockGen TLClockGen Provides clock for other components.
TLThreadEvent TLThreadEvent Use this component to execute code in a separated thread
TLStopWatch TLStopWatch Use this component to implement a Stop Watch
TLFrequencyMeter TLFrequencyMeter Use this component to implement a Frequency meter
TLCounter TLCounter Use this component to implement a Counter


SLAverageValue SLAverageValue Use this component to average the input values

Video Compression

VLVideoDecompressor VLVideoDecompressor Decompresses compressed video
VLVideoCompressor VLVideoCompressor Compresses the video

Video filters

VLMorphFilter VLMorphFilter Erodes or deludes the video
VLWienerFilter VLWienerFilter Performs Wiener filter over the video
VLGenericFilter VLGenericFilter User defined filter for Video data
VLBoxFilter VLBoxFilter Performs Average, Min, Max or Median filter operation
VLFixedFilter VLFixedFilter Performs predefined filter operation over the image
VLRectKernelFilter VLRectKernelFilter Performs user defined rectangular kernel filter
VLGaussianBlur VLGaussianBlur Gaussian blur filter

Video output components

VLImageDisplay VLImageDisplay Video display component
VLAVILogger VLAVILogger Records AVI Video files

Video source components

VLImageGen VLImageGen Generates video from image
VLAxisCapture VLAxisCapture Captures Video from Axis IP Camera using the Axis media control
VLCapture VLCapture Captures Video from device
VLAVIPlayer VLAVIPlayer Plays AVI Video files
VLGenericGen VLGenericGen User defined generator for Video data
VLASFPlayer VLASFPlayer Plays ASF and WMV Video Files
VLJaehneGen VLJaehneGen Generates a test Jaehne image
VLScreenCapture VLScreenCapture Captures Video from the screen
VLDVDPlayer VLDVDPlayer Plays DVDs
VLIPCamera VLIPCamera Use this component to capture video data from a generic IP Camera


SLScope SLScope Visible Scope/Plot component for representing floating point data
SLWaterfall SLWaterfall Visible waterfall for representing Real(double) data

Video Layers

SLScopeLayer SLScopeLayer A scope drawing layer.  You can add this layer to any drawing component such as TVLDraw to render a video layer containing a scope
SLWaterfallLayer SLWaterfallLayer A waterfall draw layer.  You can add this layer to any drawing component such as TVLDraw to render a video layer containing a waterfall
VLDrawShapeLayer VLDrawShapeLayer Layer drawing simple shapes
VLDrawTextLayer VLDrawTextLayer Layer drawing text labels
VLDrawPictureLayer VLDrawPictureLayer Layer drawing image
VLDrawMarkersLayer VLDrawMarkersLayer Layer drawing markers
VLDrawXYFloatLayer VLDrawXYFloatLayer Layer drawing X,Y points
VLImageDisplayLayer VLImageDisplayLayer Layer drawing video
VLFireLayer VLFireLayer Fire effect video layer

Matrix Layers

SLExternalScopeMatrixLayer SLExternalScopeMatrixLayer A scope matrix component layer
SLExternalWaterfallMatrixLayer SLExternalWaterfallMatrixLayer A waterfall matrix component layer
VLExternalImageDisplayMatrixLayer VLExternalImageDisplayMatrixLayer Matrix element drawing video

Control Element

SLExternalScopeElement SLExternalScopeElement A scope component element
SLExternalWaterfallElement SLExternalWaterfallElement A waterfall component element
VLExternalImageDisplayElement VLExternalImageDisplayElement Component element drawing video


VideoLab What’s New

New in Version (released on 2016-05-03)

  1. Added RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin support
  2. Removed the old .NET 2.0 Assemblies
  3. Added Negative, Solarize, and Unsharp components with Multi-core, and OpenCL GPU implementations
  4. New mirrored border processing Multi-core, and OpenCL GPU Morph filter, all the Box Filters, Wiener Filter, Gaussian Blur, and Rectangle Kernel filter implementation
  5. New Multi-core, and OpenCL GPU Image Adjust component
  6. Added Visual Live Binding property editors
  7. Added Reset to Default property editors
  8. Added Enum property editors
  9. Added Class events property editors
  10. Added Multi-Event property editors
  11. Improved RTSP/IPCamera
  12. Added option to Enable the processing engines
  13. Introduced MAC support for some of the components when compiling with source code

New in Version (released on 2015-10-28)

  1. Added 10 Seattle support
  2. Added support for VS2015
  3. Added TOWBoolToIntFormatConverter
  4. Improved threading support
  5. Improved OpenWire Editor
  6. Clock pins changed to MiltiSink
  7. Improved Design Time Editors
  8. Improved JSON support
  9. Improved collections
  10. Added more Live Binding types
  11. Added support for hosting OpenWire Studio projects
  12. Added serialization support in the buffers
  13. Improved support for IP Cameras
  14. Added TVLMovingLeastSquaresWarp
  15. Added OnlyTimestamps option to the TVLChangeRate

New in Version (released on 2015-04-17)

  1. Added TTLGenericFilter
  2. Added more visual live binding types
  3. Significantly improved property Delphi editors
  4. Timestamps interfaced
  5. IVLDateTime interfaced
  6. IVLTimeCode interfaced
  7. Added option to access Aplha Pixels in image buffer
  8. Improved IP Camera support

New in Version (released on 2014-12-20)

  1. Improved .NET support
  2. Enchanced OpenWire Editor
  3. Added custom toolbar buttons, and images to the PlotLab components
  4. Added more visual live bindings
  5. Added custom Width for the display cursors to the PlotLab components
  6. Improved TVLDSVideoModes and TALDSAudioModes support for the TVLDSCapture


Click to view Larger images. )



These demos are executable after downloading.
Also see:   Demo source code downloads

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Does VideoLab support the format of my Video Files?

VideoLab supports both Win32 API and DirectShow technologies. Win32 API will allow you to play only AVI files. If you decide to use DirectShow VideoLab will use any DirectShow filter available on your system. If you have a DirectShow filter for a particular video format VideoLab will recognize the format and use the proper filter. This means that VideoLab is capable of using any format available today. If you have a file that you can’t play in VideoLab, it means that you probably don’t have the proper DirectShow filter. Please search the web and download the filter needed for the particular format.

I can’t play my video file! What is wrong?

In order to play format other then basic AVI you must use the DirectShow TVLDSVideoPlayer component. If you still can’t play the file, please check if you have installed a DirectShow codec for the file format. VideoLab needs a codec available in the system in order to decode the file. A huge selection of codecs is available on the WEB.

Do I have to purchase VideoLab?

VideoLab is free for non commercial purposes. This means that you can use it for personal pleasure, hobby, or evaluation purposes. If you are student you can also use it for free for your educational needs including school projects. If you are a tutor at present you also can use it for free for your classes. However in the near future a low cost tutor license will be available, and you will have to purchase it. Your students however will not need license to use the product at class.

Is VideoLab multithreading? Will it stop streaming while I move the window with the mouse?

Yes. VideoLab is fully multithreaded and will not stop streaming while the main thread is busy.

Does VideoLab support DirectShow?

Yes. VideoLab supports DirectShow 8.1 or higher.

What version of DirectShow I need to run VideoLab?

VideoLab supports DirectShow 8.1 or higher.

Can I capture and save bitmaps out of the video stream?

Yes. Check the CaptureBitmap in the demos directory.

Can I create a movie from bitmaps?

Yes. Check the RecordBitmapsDemo in the demos directory.

Can I process bitmap images with VideoLab?

Yes. Check the ProcessBitmap demo project in the demos directory.

Can I process the video faster than the normal video speed.

Yes. Check the VideoConvertDemo demo in the DirectShow demoes directory.

Do I have to purchase VideoLab?


I want to copy and paste parts of the video into a new file. Can VideoLab do that?

Yes. VideoLab uses DirectShow to play and record files. Many formats do not allow easy positioning and can’t be used with DirectShow Editing Services. VideoLab offers a different approach. It allows you to play even non seek enabled file to a specific position and copy a portion of the file into a new one. Check the VideoConvertDemo demo in the DirectShow demoes directory.

Can I play video files from a Web URL?

Yes. You can use the TVLDSVideoPlayer to play files as well as any video URL from the web.

I want to use VideoLab. Do I have to install DirectShow?

DirectShow is not required on your system if you are not planning to write application using the DirectShow components of the package.



Firemonkey and VCL Installer: AnimationLab VCL and FireMonkey 32 & 64 bit support for 10.2 Tokyo and 10.3 Rio

Updated on 2018-12-21, downloaded 85 times.

Firemonkey and VCL Installer: AnimationLab VCL and FireMonkey 32 & 64 bit support for XE8 to 10.1 Berlin

Updated on 2016-06-06, downloaded 998 times.

Firemonkey and VCL Installer: VideoLab VCL and FireMonkey 32 & 64 bit support for XE7 to 10 Seattle

Updated on 2015-10-28, downloaded 1269 times.

Firemonkey and VCL Installer: VideoLab VCL and FireMonkey 32 & 64 bit support for XE6 to XE8

Updated on 2015-06-11, downloaded 1415 times.

Firemonkey and VCL Installer: VideoLab VCL and FireMonkey 32 & 64 bit support for XE4 to XE7

Updated on 2014-11-18, downloaded 1581 times.

Firemonkey and VCL Installer: VideoLab VCL and FireMonkey 32 & 64 bit support for XE3 to XE6

Updated on 2014-04-22, downloaded 1308 times.

Firemonkey and VCL Installer: VideoLab 6.0.0 VCL and FireMonkey (Windows only) 32 and 64 bit support for XE2 to XE4

Updated on 2013-06-12, downloaded 4356 times.

Firemonkey and VCL Installer: VideoLab 5.0.3 VCL and FireMonkey for XE2 Update4 Hotfix1

Updated on 2012-10-13, downloaded 1184 times.

Firemonkey and VCL Installer: Legacy VideoLab 5.0.3 VCL and FireMonkey (Windows only) 32 and 64 bit support for 2010 to XE

Updated on 2012-10-10, downloaded 9837 times.

Firemonkey and VCL Installer: VideoLab 5.0.1 for Delphi/C++ Builder 5 to 2009

Updated on 2011-10-18, downloaded 70290 times.

Visual C++ Installer: VideoLab 5.0.3 for Visual C++ MFC

Updated on 2012-10-10, downloaded 13640 times.

.NET Installer: VideoLab for Microsoft .NET 4.0 (4.5 and 4.6 compatible)

Updated on 2016-06-06, downloaded 34250 times.



These demos are executable after downloading.   Also see: Demo source code downloads

Audio Display demo Processes a video file and displays the audio signal in a scope

AVI Filter demo Demonstrates applying a filter to an AVI input file and saving the output to a new file.

Combine Video demo Demonstrates combining two or more video streams and displaying one stream inside another at arbitrary locations and orientations

Geometric Transforms demo Demonstrates rotate, warp, mirror and other geometric transformations

FreeFrame demo Demonstrates application of FreeFrame filters or effects ( http://freeframe.sourceforge.net/ )

Remap Filters demo Applies Fish Eye, Swirl and other effects to video

Transparent Colors demo Shows how to apply transparencies and alpha effects to video streams

Vector Scope demo Demonstrates analyzing video color and displaying hue value in a Vector Scope

Video Compression demo Demonstrates video compression

Video Effects demo Fire, wind, text layering and other cool video effects

Video Filters demo Demonstrates box, gamma-correction, gray scale, high pass and color twist effects

Video Histogram demo Displays RGB values in a histogram plot


Mitov License


If you do not have a custom licensing agreement with Mitov Software then the following license applies:
The libraries are licensed per developer, and there are no royalties required. Once you have purchased a developer license, you are free to distribute your final product without the need to pay any royalties or other fees as long as you comply with the following license agreement:
Users of the LabPacks Component Pack(Software) must accept these terms of license.
If you refuse to accept the terms of license, you may not use this software, and you have the right to return it within 30 days of the purchase date, and to receive your money back.
For your convenience a copy of this license agreement will be stored on your system during the installation.
This license grants you the following rights:
You have a non exclusive license to the Software. The Title and all intangible rights to the Software are the property of Mitov Software .
You may install and use one copy of the Software per computer assuming only one and the same person will use the Software on all of the computers. You may distribute any application that includes Software without any additional royalties beyond your initial license registration fee.
You can also create a reasonable set of copies of the product on different types of media, such as CD Rom or Type Backup, as far as those copies are used only for your own back up protection.
Description of the limitations.
You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.
The Software is licensed as a single product. You may not rent or lease the Software. You must treat the Software like any other copyrighted material except that you may either (a) a reasonable amount of copies of the Software solely for backup or archival purposes, or (b) install the Software multiple computers provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes and only a single developer will use all of the copies.
You may not separate Delphi and C++ Builder components from this Software.
Each developer must have a valid license for the Software.
You may not create a competing component product using this Software.
Additional restriction to Delphi-VCL and C++ Builder components:
You may not distribute the Delphi-VCL components in a DCU (Delphi Compiled Unit) format. You can distribute the component only as a part of your executable or dynamic link library program in a compiled form.
You may not distribute the C++ Builder components in OBJ format. You can distribute the component only as a part of your executable or dynamic link library program in a compiled form.
Mitov Software grants a limited warranty with these restrictions:
See the Features Tab for more detail.

Also, we offer custom licensing and vertical development of the VIdeoLab.  Please direct any questions about custom licensing to Boian Mitov ( mitov@mitov.com ).

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