We have found that most customers should consider support resources in the following order:
Product Manuals
Be sure to read the manual for your product. Each manual is very concise and contains essential information that will save you much time in coming up to speed.
After reading your manual(s), see if your use case is related to one of the tutorials. These tutorials are basic but cover some very common use cases.
Discover whether your question is common: Check out the Frequenlty Asked Questions.
You can read Mitov Software notes and find occassional downloads at the Mitov Blog.
Wiki Doc
The Wiki Doc is a Beta Read Only version of documentation for the packages. Please review and send recommendations to mitov@mitov.com. We will enable the editing as soon as we are happy with the overall Wiki site.
Consult with other developers who have faced similar issues: Join one of the forums. And when you feel comfortable, don’t forget to help a newbie!
Ask Mitov
If you cannot find your answer, feel free to ask Mitov at any time.
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