About MegaLab

What can I build with MegaLab?



The Mega Lab is a combined installer for all the Mitov Software components and libraries.


Our component libraries come in 3 versions a VCL – Firemonkey version (for Delphi / C++ Builder / RAD Studio XE4 to 10.1 Berlin), an MFC compatible Visual C++ version, and a .NET 2.0 and 4.0 (4.5 and 4.6 compatible) supporting Visual Studio 2005 to 2015.
The RAD Studio version is a set of native VCL and Firemonkey components of which all include now the powerful Mitov Runtime.
The Visual C++ version is a set of native Visual C++ classes (components).
The NET 2.0 and 4.0 (4.5 and 4.6 compatible) version is a set of managed .NET components.  The .NET version has the same performance as the native versions, and supports all the Microsoft .NET languages including Visual Basic, C#, J#, F# and C++/CLI.
Due to the unique architecture of the OpenWire platform, the components are implemented the same way in Managed .NET and native Windows (32 and 64 bit) environments. The code to control a component from VB.NET, C++/CLI, C#, and J#, Visual C++ MFC, Delphi, and C++ Builder is almost identical. This allows the developers to migrate and share code between the different environments thus significantly improving the productivity.
OpenWire Libraries: for fast, complex data stream processing with almost zero lines of code!


ControlLab Components


ALSpectrum ALSpectrum Multi channel audio spectrum
SLNoiseStats SLNoiseStats Calculates the noise stats of a signal: SNR, THD, SINAD, Harmonics and more.
SLPatternDetector SLPatternDetector Use this component to detect patterns in the buffers
ALGoniometer ALGoniometer Implements audio Goniometer

Animation Components

ALTimeLine ALTimeLine Manipulate components and their values based on a timeline
ALMass ALMass Apply mass effects to 3D Firemonkey components
ALDrag ALDrag Apply drag effects with the animation lab


SLMultiply SLMultiply Combines multiple input real signals by performing Multiply operation
SLAdd SLAdd Combines multiple input signals by performing Add operation over real data
SLSubtract SLSubtract Combines two input real signals by performing Subtract operation
SLDivide SLDivide Combines two input real signals by performing Divide operation
SLApplyComplexConst SLApplyComplexConst Applies a Complex constant to each sample
SLApplyIntConst SLApplyIntConst Applies a Integer constant to each sample
SLApplyRealConst SLApplyRealConst Applies a Real constant to each sample
SLApplyWindow SLApplyWindow Applies a window function over the input signal
SLAddComplex SLAddComplex Combines multiple input signals by performing Add operation over complex data
SLMultiplyComplex SLMultiplyComplex Combines multiple input complex signals by performing Multiply operation
SLSubtractComplex SLSubtractComplex Combines two input complex signals by performing Subtract operation
SLDivideComplex SLDivideComplex Combines two input complex signals by performing Divide operation
SLMinMax SLMinMax Use this component to find the minimal and maximal values in the each buffer
SLMean SLMean Use this component to find the Mean(average) of the data buffers

Audio Filters

ALAudioToReal ALAudioToReal Converts Wave Audio Data Buffers into Real Data Buffers
ALGenericFilter ALGenericFilter User defined filter for Audio data
ALAudioMixer ALAudioMixer Mixes two or more audio signals
ALAmplifier ALAmplifier Amplifies the audio
ALGraphicEqualizer ALGraphicEqualizer Graphic Audio Equalizer
ALDelayLine ALDelayLine Delays the signal
ALRemoveDC ALRemoveDC Removes the DC component from the audio signal
ALBandPass ALBandPass Performs a BandPass filter over the input signal
ALBandStop ALBandStop Performs a BandStop filter over the input signal
ALHighPass ALHighPass Performs a HighPass filter over the input signal
ALLowPass ALLowPass Performs a LowPass filter over the input signal
ALCombFilter ALCombFilter Performs a Comb filter over the input signal
ALDynamicRangeCompressor ALDynamicRangeCompressor Dynamically adjusts the amplification of the audio.
ALVSTHost ALVSTHost VST 2.X PlugIn host component
ALVST3Host ALVST3Host Use this component to host VST 3.X PlugIns
VLAudioSynchronize VLAudioSynchronize Use this component to synchronize the video with the time from the audio stream

Audio combined input/output components

ALASIOAudioDevice ALASIOAudioDevice Captures from and sends audio to multiple channels of ASIO audio input/output device

Audio generators

ALGenericGen ALGenericGen User defined generator for Audio data
ALSignalGen ALSignalGen Tone, Triangle or Rectangle audio signal generator
ALRandomGen ALRandomGen Random audio signal generator
ALGaussGen ALGaussGen Gaussian random audio signal generator

Audio output components

ALAudioOut ALAudioOut Sends audio data to an audio output device
ALOggLogger ALOggLogger Records the audio to Ogg file
ALRawLogger ALRawLogger Records Raw (unformatted) audio data
ALWaveLogger ALWaveLogger Records the audio to Wave file.
ALLAVAudioLogger ALLAVAudioLogger Records the audio to Audio file using FFMPeg/LibAV

Audio source components

ALOggPlayer ALOggPlayer Plays audio from Ogg file
ALWavePlayer ALWavePlayer Plays audio from Wave file.
ALDSAudioPlayer ALDSAudioPlayer Plays audio from Audio file using DirectShow.
ALAudioIn ALAudioIn Captures audio from an audio input device.
ALLAVAudioPlayer ALLAVAudioPlayer Plays audio from Audio file using FFMPeg/LibAV


ILNaiveBayes ILNaiveBayes Naive Bayesian classifier
ILKNearestNeighbor ILKNearestNeighbor Nearest Neighbor classifier
ILNeuralNetwork ILNeuralNetwork Neural Network classifier
ILSelfOrganizingMap ILSelfOrganizingMap Self Organizing Map classifier
ILRadialBasisFunctionNetwork ILRadialBasisFunctionNetwork Radial Basis Function Network classifier.

Color transformations

VLGrayScale VLGrayScale Converts the video to gray scale
VLColorTwist VLColorTwist Twists the colors of the image
VLGammaFilter VLGammaFilter Gamma-corrects the image
VLImageAdjust VLImageAdjust
Adjusts the Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Hue, and Lightness of the image
VLThreshold VLThreshold Sets the pixels above/bellow a threshold to a color
VLHistogramEqualize VLHistogramEqualize Equalizes the image histogram
VLColorLookup VLColorLookup Changes the pixel colors based on a lookup table

Communication components

CLComPort CLComPort Com (Serial) Port component
CLPacket CLPacket Packer component: Creates structured packages
CLUnpacket CLUnpacket Unpacket : Extracts channel data from structured packages
CLTerminal CLTerminal Text terminal component
CLClientSocket CLClientSocket Client socket component
CLServerSocket CLServerSocket Server Socket component
CLModbusServerSerialProtocol CLModbusServerSerialProtocol Implements Modbus Server(Slave) Serial Protocol – RTU and Ascii
CLModbusServerTCPProtocol CLModbusServerTCPProtocol Implements Modbus Server(Slave) TCP/IP Protocol
CLModbusServerRawProtocol CLModbusServerRawProtocol Implements Modbus Server(Slave) Raw Protocol
CLModbusClientSerialProtocol CLModbusClientSerialProtocol Implements Modbus Client(Master) Serial Protocol(RTU and Ascii)
CLModbusClientTCPProtocol CLModbusClientTCPProtocol Implements Modbus Client(Master) TCP/IP Protocol
CLModbusClientRawProtocol CLModbusClientRawProtocol Implements Modbus Client(Master) Raw Protocol


ALAudioDecompressor ALAudioDecompressor Decompresses compressed audio
ALAudioCompressor ALAudioCompressor Compresses audio
ALVorbisCompressor ALVorbisCompressor Compresses audio using Vorbis
ALSpeexDecompressor ALSpeexDecompressor Decompresses Speex compressed audio
ALSpeexCompressor ALSpeexCompressor Compresses audio using Vorbis
ALVorbisDecompressor ALVorbisDecompressor Decompresses Vorbis compressed audio
ALLAVAudioCompressor ALLAVAudioCompressor Compresses audio using FFMPeg/LibAV
ALLAVAudioDecompressor ALLAVAudioDecompressor Decompresses compressed audio using FFMPeg/LibAV

Computer Vision

VLMotionDetect VLMotionDetect Motion detection component
VLCanny VLCanny Canny edge detection
VLHoughLines VLHoughLines Finds lines in the image using Hough transform
VLFindContours VLFindContours Finds contours in binary image
VLAdaptiveThreshold VLAdaptiveThreshold Adaptive threshold edge detection
VLProbableLines VLProbableLines Finds probable line segments in the image using Hough transform
VLHoughCircles VLHoughCircles Finds circles in the image using Hough transform
VLFindTargets VLFindTargets Finds possible tracking targets in the image
VLTrackTargets VLTrackTargets Tracks moving targets on the image
VLExtractRobustFeatures VLExtractRobustFeatures Extracts robust features using SURF algorithm
VLHaarDetectObjects VLHaarDetectObjects Detects objects by using Haar like features
VLConnectedComponents VLConnectedComponents Labels connected components in the image
VLConvexHulls VLConvexHulls Finds the convex hulls for polygons or contours.
VLMinEnclosingCircles VLMinEnclosingCircles Finds the smallest enclosing circles for polygons or contours.
VLMinAreaRectangles VLMinAreaRectangles Finds the smallest area rectangles for polygons or contours.
VLFitLines VLFitLines Fits lines to polygons or contours.
VLFitEllipses VLFitEllipses Fits ellipses to polygons or contours.
VLChamferMatchingContour VLChamferMatchingContour Finds contours in the image using Chamfer Contour Matching.
VLHOGDetectObjects VLHOGDetectObjects Detects objects by using Histogram Oriented Gradients.
VLHOGCompute VLHOGCompute Computes non optimized Histogram Oriented Gradients.
VLBackgroundSubtractor VLBackgroundSubtractor Subtracts the background using statistical background model.
VLLineIntersects VLLineIntersects Finds intersection points between lines


ALAudioToReal ALAudioToReal Converts Wave Audio Data Buffers into Real Data Buffers
ALRepack ALRepack Rearranges the samples into buffers with a specified size
ALRealToAudio ALRealToAudio Converts Real Data Buffers into Wave Audio Data Buffers
ALChannelSplitter ALChannelSplitter Splits the multi-channel audio into mono channels
ALChannelMerger ALChannelMerger Merges mono channels into a single multi-channel audio
SLChangeRange SLChangeRange Changes the output range of the signal
SLDetectLevels SLDetectLevels Detects levels in the input signal
SLPair SLPair Pairs multiple data buffers together
SLComplexToReal SLComplexToReal Converts Complex buffer to Real and Imaginary buffers
SLRealToComplex SLRealToComplex Converts Real and Imaginary buffers to a Complex buffer
SLRealToInt SLRealToInt Converts Real data to Integer
SLIntToReal SLIntToReal Converts Integer data to Real
SLCartToPolar SLCartToPolar Converts the elements of a complex signal to polar coordinate form
SLPolarToCart SLPolarToCart Converts the polar form magnitude/phase pairs stored in input signals to Cartesian coordinate form
SLHilbert SLHilbert Performs a Hilbert transform
SLToSquare SLToSquare Converts the input signal to a square signal
SLPowerSpectrum SLPowerSpectrum Computes the Power Spectrum of a Real Buffer
SLConjugate SLConjugate Performs Conjugater conversion
SLRepack SLRepack Rearranges the samples into buffers with a specified size
SLRealTodB SLRealTodB Converts real data to dB format
SLMakeStructure SLMakeStructure Combines elements into a strucrure
SLSplitStructure SLSplitStructure Splits a structure into multiple elements

Custom Filters

SLGenericRealValue SLGenericRealValue User defined filter for Real values
SLGenericReal SLGenericReal User defined filter for Real data
SLGenericFilter SLGenericFilter User defined filter for Binary data
SLGenericRealMatrix SLGenericRealMatrix User defined generator for Real matrix data
SLGenericInt SLGenericInt User defined filter for Integer data
SLGenericComplex SLGenericComplex User defined filter for Complex data

DirectShow Audio Filters

ALDMOEffect ALDMOEffect Performs DMO Effect over the Audio
ALDSAudioFilter ALDSAudioFilter Passes audio trough a DirectShow filter

DirectShow Audio output components

ALDSAudioOut ALDSAudioOut Sends audio data to an audio output device
ALASFLogger ALASFLogger Records the audio to WMA or ASF file
ALASFBroadcast ALASFBroadcast Broadcasts WMA or ASF streams over Internet using TCP/IP socket and/or publishing point(s)
ALDSToSinkFilter ALDSToSinkFilter Sends audio to a DirectShow filter
ALDSAudioLogger ALDSAudioLogger Records the audio to Audio file using DirectShow.

DirectShow Audio source components

ALASFPlayer ALASFPlayer Plays ASF and WMA Audio Files
ALDSFromSourceFilter ALDSFromSourceFilter Captures audio from DirectShow filter
ALDSAudioIn ALDSAudioIn Captures audio from an audio input device using DirectShow.

DirectShow Compression

ALDSAudioCompressor ALDSAudioCompressor Compresses audio using DirectShow
ALDSAudioDecompressor ALDSAudioDecompressor Decompresses compressed audio using DirectShow

DirectShow Video Compression

VLDSVideoCompressor VLDSVideoCompressor Compresses the video using DirectShow
VLDSVideoDecompressor VLDSVideoDecompressor Decompresses compressed video using DirectShow

DirectShow Video Filters

VLDMOEffect VLDMOEffect Performs a DMO effect over the video
VLDSVideoFilter VLDSVideoFilter Passes video trough a DirectShow filter

DirectShow Video output components

VLDSImageDisplay VLDSImageDisplay Video display component using DirectShow
VLDSVideoLogger VLDSVideoLogger Records Video files using DirectShow
VLDSVideoOut VLDSVideoOut Sends video to an output device
VLASFLogger VLASFLogger Records ASF and WMV Video Files
VLASFBroadcast VLASFBroadcast Broadcasts ASF and WMV Video over Internet using TCP/IP socket and/or publishing point(s)
VLDSToSinkFilter VLDSToSinkFilter Sends video to a DirectShow filter

DirectShow Video source components

VLDSCapture VLDSCapture Captures Video from device using DirectShow
VLDSVideoPlayer VLDSVideoPlayer Plays Video files using DirectShow
VLDSFromSourceFilter VLDSFromSourceFilter Captures video from DirectShow filter

DirectShow support components

VLDSVideoPreviewDock VLDSVideoPreviewDock Docking location for video preview
MLDSMediaFilter MLDSMediaFilter Passes media trough a DirectShow filter


MLDSGraphView MLDSGraphView DirectShow graph display


VLFire VLFire Applies fire effect over the frames, or generates frames with fire
VLRipple VLRipple Applies water ripple effect over the frames, or generates frames with water ripple
VLAlphaTrail VLAlphaTrail Applies alpha trail effect over the video.

File access

SLLogger SLLogger Records the signal to file
SLPlayer SLPlayer Plays signal from file


SLIir SLIir Performs an Arbitrary IIR filter over the input signal
SLBandPass SLBandPass Performs a BandPass filter over the input signal
SLBandStop SLBandStop Performs a BandStop filter over the input signal
SLFir SLFir Performs a FIR filter over the input signal
SLHighPass SLHighPass Performs a HighPass filter over the input signal
SLLowPass SLLowPass Performs a LowPass filter over the input signal
SLMedian SLMedian Performs a Median Filter
SLBiQuadIir SLBiQuadIir Performs a BiQuad IIR filter over the input signal
SLDelayLine SLDelayLine Delays the signal
SLRemoveDC SLRemoveDC Removes the DC component from the signal
SLSnapshot SLSnapshot Takes a snapshot of the data
SLSwitch SLSwitch Enables or disables the data to go trough
SLCombFilter SLCombFilter Performs a Comb filter over the input signal

Generic Filters

SLGenericReal SLGenericReal User defined filter for Real data
SLGenericFilter SLGenericFilter User defined filter for Binary data
SLGenericRealMatrix SLGenericRealMatrix User defined generator for Real matrix data
TLGenericTextFilter TLGenericTextFilter User defined filter for Text data
TLGenericFilter TLGenericFilter User defined timing filter

Generic Generators

SLGenericGen SLGenericGen User defined generator for Binary data
SLGenericRealGen SLGenericRealGen User defined generator for Real data

Geometric transformations

VLResize VLResize Resizes the image
VLCrop VLCrop Crops the video
VLMirror VLMirror Mirrors the image
VLRotate VLRotate Rotates the image
VLShear VLShear Shears the image
VLWarp VLWarp Warps the image
VLFishEye VLFishEye Applies FishEye effect over the image
VLSwirl VLSwirl Applies FishEye effect over the image
VLCylinder VLCylinder Applies Cylinder effect over the image
VLMovingLeastSquaresWarp VLMovingLeastSquaresWarp Applies Moving Least Squares Warp effect over the image

Industrial Control

CLModbusDevice CLModbusDevice Implements a Modbus Device(Slave)
CLModbusRemoteDeviceAccess CLModbusRemoteDeviceAccess Modbus Remote Device Access(Master) component
CLPidController CLPidController Implements PID Controller
CLRelayController CLRelayController Implements Relay Controller
CLOPCRemoteServer CLOPCRemoteServer OPC Server access component

Logic tools

LLOr LLOr Or logic operator
LLAnd LLAnd Logic lab and operator
LLXor LLXor Logic lab Xor operator
LLInverter LLInverter Logic lab value inverter
LLTFlipFlop LLTFlipFlop Logic lab flip flop component
LLSource   Logic lab source component
LLSink LLSink Logic lab sink component
LLRandomGenerator LLRandomGenerator Logic lab random value generator
LLMerger LLMerger Logic lab value merger
LLSplitter LLSplitter Logic lab value splitter
LLJKFlipFlop LLJKFlipFlop The JK flip-flop augments the behavior of the SR flip-flop (J=Set, K=Reset) by interpreting the S = R = 1 condition as a “flip” or toggle command. Specifically, the combination J = 1, K = 0 is a command to set the flip-flop; the combination J = 0, K = 1 is a command to reset the flip-flop; and the combination J = K = 1 is a command to toggle the flip-flop, i.e., change its output to the logical complement of its current value. Setting J = K = 0 does NOT result in a D flip-flop, but rather, will hold the current state. To synthesize a D flip-flop, simply set K equal to the complement of J. Similarly, to synthesize a T flip-flop, set K equal to J. The JK flip-flop is therefore a universal flip-flop, because it can be configured to work as an SR flip-flop, a D flip-flop, or a T flip-flop.
LLRam LLRam Random access memory component
LLRom LLRom Read only memory component
LLSegmentDecoder LLSegmentDecoder Segment Decoder component
LLDecoder LLDecoder Decoder component
LLEncoder LLEncoder Encoder component
LLFromGrayCode LLFromGrayCode Convert from Gray Code
LLToGrayCode LLToGrayCode Convert to Gray code
LLBinaryCounter LLBinaryCounter A binary counter can be constructed from JK Flip Flops by taking the output of one cell to the clock input of the next. The J and K inputs of each flip-flop are set to 1 to produce a toggle at each cycle of the clock input. For each two toggles of the first cell, a toggle is produced in the second cell, and so on down to the fourth cell. This produces a binary number equal to the number of cycles of the input clock signal. This device is sometimes called a “ripple through” counter.
LLBitShifter LLBitShifter The bit shifts are sometimes considered bitwise operations, because they operate on the binary representation of an integer instead of its numerical value; however, the bit shifts do not operate on pairs of corresponding bits, and therefore cannot properly be called bit-wise. In these operations the digits are moved, or shifted, to the left or right. Registers in a computer processor have a fixed width, so some bits will be “shifted out” of the register at one end, while the same number of bits are “shifted in” from the other end; the differences between bit shift operators lie in how they determine the values of the shifted-in bits.
LLBarrelShifter LLBarrelShifter A barrel shifter is a digital circuit that can shift a data word by a specified number of bits in one clock cycle. It can be implemented as a sequence of multiplexers (mux.), and in such an implementation the output of one mux is connected to the input of the next mux in a way that depends on the shift distance.
LLMultiplexer LLMultiplexer In electronics, a multiplexer (or mux) is a device that selects one of several analog or digital input signals and forwards the selected input into a single line.  A multiplexer of 2n inputs has n select lines, which are used to select which input line to send to the output. Multiplexers are mainly used to increase the amount of data that can be sent over the network within a certain amount of time and bandwidth. A multiplexer is also called a data selector.
LLDemultiplexer LLDemultiplexer A demultiplexer (or demux) is a device taking a single input signal and selecting one of many data-output-lines, which is connected to the single input. A multiplexer is often used with a complementary demultiplexer on the receiving end.
LLMagnitudeComparer LLMagnitudeComparer A digital comparator or magnitude comparator is a hardware electronic device that takes two numbers as input in binary form and determines whether one number is greater than, less than or equal to the other number.
LLAdder LLAdder In electronics, an adder or summer is a digital circuit that performs addition of numbers. In many computers and other kinds of processors, adders are used not only in the arithmetic logic unit(s), but also in other parts of the processor, where they are used to calculate addresses, table indices, and similar operations.
LLALU LLALU In digital electronics, an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is a digital circuit that performs integer arithmetic and logical operations


ALVUMeter ALVUMeter VU (Volume Unit) Meter
ALPPMMeter ALPPMMeter PPM (Peak Programme Meter) Meter
ALRMSMeter ALRMSMeter RMS (Root Mean Square) Meter
SLRMSMeter SLRMSMeter RMS (Root Mean Square) Meter

Noise generators

VLUniformNoise VLUniformNoise Adds Uniform Random noise to the image
VLGaussNoise VLGaussNoise Adds Gaussian distribution oise to the image


ALQueuedSwitch ALQueuedSwitch Multi-channel queued video and audio switch
ALSystemMixer ALSystemMixer Controls the Windows system audio mixer
ALSnapshot ALSnapshot Takes a snapshot of the data
ALSwitch ALSwitch Enables or disables the audio to go trough
ALBufferQueue ALBufferQueue Audio buffer queue component
ILNeuron ILNeuron General purpose neuron component
ULLabel ULLabel Rotatable label
ULImage ULImage GDI+ Image
VLDraw VLDraw Applies(draws) graphical layers over the video frames
VLSnapshot VLSnapshot Takes a snapshot frame
VLHistogram VLHistogram Computes intensity histogram of image
VLCombine VLCombine Combines two videos
VLFrameChange VLFrameChange Combines two sequential frames
VLColorSplit VLColorSplit Splits the image into color components
VLApplyMask VLApplyMask Applies a picture mask over the image
VLTransparentColor VLTransparentColor Merges two videos with transparent(see trough) color in one of them
VLQueuedSwitch VLQueuedSwitch Multi-channel queued video and audio switch
VLDelay VLDelay Delays the video by a number of frames
VLChangeFormat VLChangeFormat Changes the video format
VLSwitch VLSwitch Enables or disables the video to go trough
VLColorsToReal VLColorsToReal Splits the color components of a frame in real buffers
VLChangeRate VLChangeRate Changes the video frame rate
VLRealToFrame VLRealToFrame Constructs frame from color space real buffers
VLColorMerge VLColorMerge Merges color components (RGB, YUV etc.) into a frame
VLHueVector VLHueVector Computes the Hue Vector of image
VLApplyAlpha VLApplyAlpha Applies an Alpha channel over the image
VLVideoMixer VLVideoMixer Mixes multiple video streams
VLFrameQueue VLFrameQueue Video frames queue component
ALMasterVolume ALMasterVolume Controls the Windows system Master Volume Control
VLSampler VLSampler Extracts samples from image with specific X, Y, and rotation steps
OpenWireStudio OpenWireStudio Loads, executes, and exchanges data with OpenWire Studio projects

Plug In filters

VLFreeFrame VLFreeFrame Applies a FreeFrame filter or effect
VLVirtualDub VLVirtualDub Applies a VirtualDub filter or effect

Signal Filters

SLGenericRealValue SLGenericRealValue User defined filter for Real values
SLGenericReal SLGenericReal User defined filter for Real data
SLGenericFilter SLGenericFilter User defined filter for Binary data
SLGenericRealMatrix SLGenericRealMatrix User defined generator for Real matrix data

Signal Generators

SLGenericRealValueGen SLGenericRealValueGen User defined generator for Real values
SLGenericGen SLGenericGen User defined generator for Binary data
SLGenericRealGen SLGenericRealGen User defined generator for Real data
SLGaussGen SLGaussGen Generates Gaussian distribution pseudo-random samples
SLRandomGen SLRandomGen Generates pseudo-random Real(double) dta samples
SLSignalGen SLSignalGen Generates Tone(Sine Wave), Triangle, Rectangle, Ramp or DC signal
SLGenericIntGen SLGenericIntGen User defined generator for Integer data
SLGenericComplexGen SLGenericComplexGen User defined generator for Complex data

Timing components

TLWatchDogTimer TLWatchDogTimer Implements a Watch Dog Timer.
TLMainThredEvent TLMainThredEvent Allows other threads to generate main thread notifications.
TLClockGen TLClockGen Provides clock for other components.
TLThreadEvent TLThreadEvent Use this component to execute code in a separated thread
TLStopWatch TLStopWatch Use this component to implement a Stop Watch
TLFrequencyMeter TLFrequencyMeter Use this component to implement a Frequency meter
TLCounter TLCounter Use this component to implement a Counter
SLSnippetTrigger SLSnippetTrigger Defines trigger data class


ILNeuralNetworkBackpropTrain ILNeuralNetworkBackpropTrain Trains neural networks using Backprop algorithm
ILNeuralNetworkRPropTrain ILNeuralNetworkRPropTrain Trains neural networks using RProp algorithm
ILTrainingData ILTrainingData Prepares training data for the classifiers


SLFourier SLFourier Performs Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT)
SLInverseFourier SLInverseFourier Performs Real Inverse Fast Fourier Transformation (Inverse FFT)
SLInverseComplexFourier SLInverseComplexFourier Performs Complex Inverse Fast Fourier Transformation (Inverse FFT)
SLDft SLDft Performs Discrete Fourier Transformation (DFT)
SLInverseDft SLInverseDft Performs Real Inverse Discrete Fourier Transformation (Inverse DFT)
SLInverseComplexDft SLInverseComplexDft Performs Complex Inverse Discrete Fourier Transformation (Inverse DFT)
SLDct SLDct Performs Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
SLInverseDct SLInverseDct Performs Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (Inverse DCT)
SLGoertzOne SLGoertzOne Computes the Discrete Fourier Transform ( Goertzel DFT ) for a given frequency
SLHaar SLHaar Performs Forward single-level discrete wavelet Haar transformation
SLInverseHaar SLInverseHaar Performs Inverse single-level discrete wavelet Haar transformation
SLAbs SLAbs Converts the values of the buffers to absolute values
SLAverageValue SLAverageValue Use this component to average the input values

Video Compression

VLVideoDecompressor VLVideoDecompressor Decompresses compressed video
VLVideoCompressor VLVideoCompressor Compresses the video
VLLAVVideoCompressor VLLAVVideoCompressor Compresses video using FFMPeg/LibAV
VLLAVVideoDecompressor VLLAVVideoDecompressor Decompresses compressed video using FFMPeg/LibAV

Video filters

VLMorphFilter VLMorphFilter Erodes or deludes the video
VLWienerFilter VLWienerFilter Performs Wiener filter over the video
VLGenericFilter VLGenericFilter User defined filter for Video data
VLBoxFilter VLBoxFilter Performs Average, Min, Max or Median filter operation
VLFixedFilter VLFixedFilter Performs predefined filter operation over the image
VLRectKernelFilter VLRectKernelFilter Performs user defined rectangular kernel filter
VLGaussianBlur VLGaussianBlur Gaussian blur filter
VLHistory VLHistory Provides history for the last N frames.
VLUnsharp VLUnsharp Performs Unsharp masking over the image
VLNegative VLNegative Converts the image into a negative
VLSolarize VLSolarize Applies Solarization effect over the image

Video output components

VLImageDisplay VLImageDisplay Video display component
VLAVILogger VLAVILogger Records AVI Video files
VLNDIVideoBroadcast VLNDIVideoBroadcast Implements NDI Video Broadcast component
VLLAVVideoLogger VLLAVVideoLogger Records Video files using FFMPeg/LibAV
VLDebugDisplayWindow VLDebugDisplayWindow Opens a debug window showing the video sent to the component

Video source components

VLImageGen VLImageGen Generates video from image
VLAxisCapture VLAxisCapture Captures Video from Axis IP Camera using the Axis media control
VLCapture VLCapture Captures Video from device
VLAVIPlayer VLAVIPlayer Plays AVI Video files
VLGenericGen VLGenericGen User defined generator for Video data
VLASFPlayer VLASFPlayer Plays ASF and WMV Video Files
VLJaehneGen VLJaehneGen Generates a test Jaehne image
VLScreenCapture VLScreenCapture Captures Video from the screen
VLDVDPlayer VLDVDPlayer Plays DVDs
VLIPCamera VLIPCamera Use this component to capture video data from a generic IP Camera
VLNDIVideoReceiver VLNDIVideoReceiver Implements NDI Video Receiver
VLVideoPlayer VLVideoPlayer Cross platform Video Player (Currently only MAC implementation)
VLFMXVideoCapture VLFMXVideoCapture Cross Platform FireMonkey Video Capture component
VLLAVVideoPlayer VLLAVVideoPlayer Plays Video files using FFMpeg/LibAV


ILLed ILLed LED control with On/Off states
ILMultiLed ILMultiLed LED control with multiple states
ILProgressBar ILProgressBar Progress bar
ILAngularGauge ILAngularGauge Angular gauge
ILGlassPanel ILGlassPanel Rectangular, or elliptic panel covered with glass
ILLevelLed ILLevelLed LED control with gradually changing intensity and/or color based on the input value
ILThermometer ILThermometer Thermometer gauge
ILAnalogClock ILAnalogClock Analog clock
ILSegmentGauge ILSegmentGauge 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment gauge
ILSegmentIndicator ILSegmentIndicator 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment indicator
ILSegmentClock ILSegmentClock 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment clock
ILSegmentText ILSegmentText 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment text display
ILMatrixDisplay ILMatrixDisplay Matrix display
ILSpectrumDisplay ILSpectrumDisplay Spectrum display
ILLinearGauge ILLinearGauge Linear gauge
SLScope SLScope Visible Scope/Plot component for representing floating point data
SLWaterfall SLWaterfall Visible waterfall for representing Real(double) data
PLMultiWaterfall PLMultiWaterfall Visible multi-channel waterfall for representing Real(double) data.

Video Layers

ILLedLayer ILLedLayer Layer drawing LED control with On/Off states
ILMultiLedLayer ILMultiLedLayer Layer drawing LED control with multiple states
ILProgressBarLayer ILProgressBarLayer Layer drawing progress bar
ILAngularGaugeLayer ILAngularGaugeLayer Layer drawing angular gauge
ILGlassPanelLayer ILGlassPanelLayer Layer drawing rectangular, or elliptic panel covered with glass
ILLevelLedLayer ILLevelLedLayer Layer drawing LED control with gradually changing intensity and/or color based on the input value
ILThermometerLayer ILThermometerLayer Layer drawing thermometer gauge
ILAnalogClockLayer ILAnalogClockLayer Layer drawing analog clock
ILSegmentGaugeLayer ILSegmentGaugeLayer Layer drawing 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment gauge
ILSegmentIndicatorLayer ILSegmentIndicatorLayer Layer drawing 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment indicator
ILSegmentClockLayer ILSegmentClockLayer Layer drawing 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment clock
ILSegmentTextLayer ILSegmentTextLayer Layer drawing 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment text display
ILMatrixDisplayLayer ILMatrixDisplayLayer Layer drawing matrix display
ILSpectrumDisplayLayer ILSpectrumDisplayLayer Layer drawing spectrum display
ILLinearGaugeLayer ILLinearGaugeLayer Layer drawing linear gauge
SLScopeLayer SLScopeLayer A scope drawing layer.  You can add this layer to any drawing component such as TVLDraw to render a video layer containing a scope
SLWaterfallLayer SLWaterfallLayer A waterfall draw layer.  You can add this layer to any drawing component such as TVLDraw to render a video layer containing a waterfall
ULLabelLayer ULLabelLayer Layer drawing rotatable label
ULImageLayer ULImageLayer Layer drawing image
VLDrawShapeLayer VLDrawShapeLayer Layer drawing simple shapes
VLDrawTextLayer VLDrawTextLayer Layer drawing text labels
VLDrawPictureLayer VLDrawPictureLayer Layer drawing image
VLDrawMarkersLayer VLDrawMarkersLayer Layer drawing markers
VLDrawXYFloatLayer VLDrawXYFloatLayer Layer drawing X,Y points
VLImageDisplayLayer VLImageDisplayLayer Layer drawing video
VLFireLayer VLFireLayer Fire effect video layer
VLDrawMotionsLayer VLDrawMotionsLayer Layer drawing motion grid
VLDrawLinesLayer VLDrawLinesLayer Layer drawing detected lines
VLDrawContoursLayer VLDrawContoursLayer Layer drawing detected contours
VLDrawLineSegmentsLayer VLDrawLineSegmentsLayer Layer drawing detected line segments
VLDrawCirclesLayer VLDrawCirclesLayer Layer drawing detected circles
VLDrawTrackTargetLayer VLDrawTrackTargetLayer Layer drawing tracked targets
VLDrawRobustFeaturesLayer VLDrawRobustFeaturesLayer Layer drawing detected robust features
PLMultiWaterfallLayer PLMultiWaterfallLayer A multi channel waterfall draw layer. You can add this layer to any drawing component such as TVLDraw to render a video layer containing a multi channel waterfall
VLDrawRectanglesLayer VLDrawRectanglesLayer Layer drawing detected rectangles.
VLDrawEllipsesLayer VLDrawEllipsesLayer Layer drawing detected ellipses.
VLDrawPolygonsLayer VLDrawPolygonsLayer Layer drawing detected polygons.
VLChamferMatchedContoursLayer VLChamferMatchedContoursLayer Layer drawing matched contours.
VLDrawDetectedObjectsLayer VLDrawDetectedObjectsLayer Layer drawing detected objects.

Matrix Layers

ILExternalLedMatrixLayer ILExternalLedMatrixLayer Matrix layer drawing LED control with On/Off states
ILExternalMultiLedMatrixLayer ILExternalMultiLedMatrixLayer Matrix layer drawing LED control with multiple states
ILExternalProgressBarMatrixLayer ILExternalProgressBarMatrixLayer Matrix layer drawing progress bar
ILExternalAngularGaugeMatrixLayer ILExternalAngularGaugeMatrixLayer Matrix layer drawing angular gauge
ILGlassPanelMatrixLayer ILGlassPanelMatrixLayer Matrix layer drawing rectangular, or elliptic panel covered with glass
ILExternalLevelLedMatrixLayer ILExternalLevelLedMatrixLayer Matrix layer drawing LED control with gradually changing intensity and/or color based on the input value
ILExternalThermometerMatrixLayer ILExternalThermometerMatrixLayer Matrix layer drawing thermometer gauge
ILExternalAnalogClockMatrixLayer ILExternalAnalogClockMatrixLayer Matrix layer drawing analog clock
ILExternalSegmentGaugeMatrixLayer ILExternalSegmentGaugeMatrixLayer Matrix layer drawing 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment gauge
ILExternalSegmentIndicatorMatrixLayer ILExternalSegmentIndicatorMatrixLayer Matrix layer drawing 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment indicator
ILExternalSegmentClockMatrixLayer ILExternalSegmentClockMatrixLayer Matrix layer drawing 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment clock
ILExternalSegmentTextMatrixLayer ILExternalSegmentTextMatrixLayer Matrix layer drawing text
ILExternalMatrixDisplayMatrixLayer ILExternalMatrixDisplayMatrixLayer Matrix layer drawing matrix display
ILTextMatrixLayer ILTextMatrixLayer Matrix layer drawing text
ILExternalSpectrumDisplayMatrixLayer ILExternalSpectrumDisplayMatrixLayer Matrix layer drawing matrix display
ILExternalLinearGaugeMatrixLayer ILExternalLinearGaugeMatrixLayer Matrix layer drawing linear gauge
SLExternalScopeMatrixLayer SLExternalScopeMatrixLayer A scope matrix component layer
SLExternalWaterfallMatrixLayer SLExternalWaterfallMatrixLayer A waterfall matrix component layer
ULExternalLabelMatrixLayer ULExternalLabelMatrixLayer Matrix layer drawing external text label
ULImageMatrixLayer ULImageMatrixLayer Matrix layer drawing image
VLExternalImageDisplayMatrixLayer VLExternalImageDisplayMatrixLayer Matrix element drawing video
PLExternalMultiWaterfallMatrixLayer PLExternalMultiWaterfallMatrixLayer A waterfall matrix component layer.

Control Element

ILExternalLedElement ILExternalLedElement Component element drawing external LED control with On/Off states
ILLevelDetectLedElement ILLevelDetectLedElement Component element drawing internal level triggered LED control
ILTimeDetectLedElement ILTimeDetectLedElement Component element drawing internal time triggered LED control
ILExternalMultiLedElement ILExternalMultiLedElement Component element drawing external data LED control with multiple states
ILProgressBarElement ILProgressBarElement Component element drawing internal data progress bar
ILExternalProgressBarElement ILExternalProgressBarElement Component element drawing external data progress bar
ILGaugeMinMaxHandElement ILGaugeMinMaxHandElement Component element drawing internal data min or max angular gauge hand
ILExternalGaugeHandElement ILExternalGaugeHandElement Component element drawing external data angular gauge hand
ILExternalGaugeControlHandElement ILExternalGaugeControlHandElement Component element drawing external user controllable data angular gauge hand
ILAngularGaugeElement ILAngularGaugeElement Component element drawing internal data angular gauge
ILExternalAngularGaugeElement ILExternalAngularGaugeElement Component element drawing external data angular gauge
ILGlassPanelElement ILGlassPanelElement Component element drawing rectangular, or elliptic panel covered with glass
ILLevelLedElement ILLevelLedElement Component element drawing internal data LED control with gradually changing intensity and/or color based on the input value
ILExternalLevelLedElement ILExternalLevelLedElement Component element drawing external data LED control with gradually changing intensity and/or color based on the input value
ILThermometerElement ILThermometerElement Component element drawing internal data thermometer gauge
ILExternalThermometerElement ILExternalThermometerElement Component element drawing external data thermometer gauge
ILExternalClockHandElement ILExternalClockHandElement Component element drawing external data analog clock hand
ILAnalogClockElement ILAnalogClockElement Component element drawing internal data analog clock
ILExternalAnalogClockElement ILExternalAnalogClockElement Component element drawing external data analog clock
ILSegmentGaugeElement ILSegmentGaugeElement Component element drawing internal data 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment gauge
ILExternalSegmentGaugeElement ILExternalSegmentGaugeElement Component element drawing external data 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment gauge
ILSegmentClockElement ILSegmentClockElement Component element drawing internal data 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment clock
ILExternalSegmentClockElement ILExternalSegmentClockElement Component element drawing external data 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment clock
ILExternalSegmentTextElement ILExternalSegmentTextElement Component element drawing external text data 7, 9, 14 or 16 segment indicator
ILExternalMatrixDisplayElement ILExternalMatrixDisplayElement Component element drawing external data matrix display
ILExternalSpectrumDisplayElement ILExternalSpectrumDisplayElement Component element drawing external data spectrum display
ILLinearGaugeElement ILLinearGaugeElement Component element drawing internal data linear gauge
ILExternalLinearGaugeElement ILExternalLinearGaugeElement Component element drawing external data linear gauge
ILExternalLinearGaugeControlHandElement ILExternalLinearGaugeControlHandElement Component element drawing external user controllable data linear gauge hand
ILExternalLinearGaugeHandElement ILExternalLinearGaugeHandElement Component element drawing external data linear gauge hand
ILLinearGaugeMinMaxHandElement ILLinearGaugeMinMaxHandElement Component element drawing internal data min or max linear gauge hand
SLExternalScopeElement SLExternalScopeElement A scope component element
SLExternalWaterfallElement SLExternalWaterfallElement A waterfall component element
ULAnalogLabelElement ULAnalogLabelElement Component element drawing analog label
ULTimeLabelElement ULTimeLabelElement Component element drawing time label
ULExternalLabelElement ULExternalLabelElement Component element drawing external text label
ULImageElement ULImageElement Component element drawing image
VLExternalImageDisplayElement VLExternalImageDisplayElement Component element drawing video
ILExternalSegmentIndicatorElement ILExternalSegmentIndicatorElement Component element drawing external data 7, 9, 14 or 16
PLExternalMultiWaterfallElement PLExternalMultiWaterfallElement A scope component element.



MegaLab What’s New

New in Version (released on 2018-11-12)

  • This is the first MegaLab release


Click to view Larger images. )

MegaLab Examples


These demos are executable after downloading.
Also see:   Demo source code downloads
[table id=11 /]



Do I have to purchase MegaLab?

VideoLab is free for non commercial purposes. This means that you can use it for personal pleasure, hobby, or evaluation purposes. If you are student you can also use it for free for your educational needs including school projects. If you are a tutor at present you also can use it for free for your classes. However in the near future a low cost tutor license will be available, and you will have to purchase it. Your students however will not need license to use the product at class.




Firemonkey and VCL Installer: MegaLab VCL and FireMonkey 32 & 64 bit support for 10.2 Tokyo and 10.3 Rio

Updated on 2018-12-22, downloaded 173 times.

.NET Installer:  MegaLab for Microsoft .NET 4.0 (4.5 and 4.6 compatible)

Updated on 2018-11-08, downloaded 42 times.




These demos are executable after downloading.   Also see: Demo source code downloads



Mitov License


If you do not have a custom licensing agreement with Mitov Software then the following license applies:
The libraries are licensed per developer, and there are no royalties required. Once you have purchased a developer license, you are free to distribute your final product without the need to pay any royalties or other fees as long as you comply with the following license agreement:
Users of the LabPacks Component Pack(Software) must accept these terms of license.
If you refuse to accept the terms of license, you may not use this software, and you have the right to return it within 30 days of the purchase date, and to receive your money back.
For your convenience a copy of this license agreement will be stored on your system during the installation.
This license grants you the following rights:
You have a non exclusive license to the Software. The Title and all intangible rights to the Software are the property of Mitov Software .
You may install and use one copy of the Software per computer assuming only one and the same person will use the Software on all of the computers. You may distribute any application that includes Software without any additional royalties beyond your initial license registration fee.
You can also create a reasonable set of copies of the product on different types of media, such as CD Rom or Type Backup, as far as those copies are used only for your own back up protection.
Description of the limitations.
You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.
The Software is licensed as a single product. You may not rent or lease the Software. You must treat the Software like any other copyrighted material except that you may either (a) a reasonable amount of copies of the Software solely for backup or archival purposes, or (b) install the Software multiple computers provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes and only a single developer will use all of the copies.
You may not separate Delphi and C++ Builder components from this Software.
Each developer must have a valid license for the Software.
You may not create a competing component product using this Software.
Additional restriction to Delphi-VCL and C++ Builder components:
You may not distribute the Delphi-VCL components in a DCU (Delphi Compiled Unit) format. You can distribute the component only as a part of your executable or dynamic link library program in a compiled form.
You may not distribute the C++ Builder components in OBJ format. You can distribute the component only as a part of your executable or dynamic link library program in a compiled form.
Mitov Software grants a limited warranty with these restrictions:
See the Features Tab for more detail.

Also, we offer custom licensing and vertical development of the MegaLab.  Please direct any questions about custom licensing to Boian Mitov ( mitov@mitov.com ).

PurchaseAll Products Page


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